Monday 16 January 2012

Be Content, Be You!

I always ask my self " why some people try to put other people down by minimizing and criticizing other people's flaws?". It just bad and some peoples can not handle the critiques very well and soon affecting their mind and feeling down all the time. The answer for that question is, that kind of peoples are so insecure about them selves. They did that because they have issues about their body image and they project their anger own other peoples. Also they see something great and jealous about it. So if you in this situations, be strong don't let people bring you down, tell them " What ever", "So what?", "I like my self, i don't care about what you think about me", "What?", or you can say to them "Wow?" say it with confidence and i'm sure they will back off. 

However the worst thing is when you criticize yourself about each flaws that you have on your body like "I'm too short", "i hate my big stomach", "my skin aren't perfect". Don't be too harsh on yourself! When you see yourself in the mirror don't focus too much on your flaws, focus on things that you love, "wow, i love my hair, its healthy and shiny", "i like my nose, its cute". Keep on giving positive comments to yourself. Don't wait other people to compliment you, you need to compliment yourself first before anyone does. Love yourself, no matter how you look, there are no perfect person in this world, and no one in this world have right to define who you are. Stay strong and build your own identity, you are unique, every inch of you are unique. 

Before when i was a teenager, i always had problem with my body image, i hated looking my self in the mirror, i always saw flaws on my body. When people said i look cute, pretty, i just didn't believe it because its not what i believe and see on my self. I starved for perfections and i hated many things about my self. When i saw my self in the mirror i said, "i hate my lip's shape", "i hate my skin", "i hate being too skinny", "i hate my hair"... it just on and on. Its became worst when other people gave bad comments about my physique, it just made me sad and hate my imperfections even more. Due to this negative mind set, i became very uncomfortable with my body and had very-low self esteem. Back then, i always hide my face, i can't look other people in the eyes, and i also had troubled in making new friends. Also, i let other people defined me and worried about what other people may judge about my physique.

Now, i'm more confident about my self, not as before. I love my self, i'm grateful on what god have given to me. I recognize my imperfections as something that unique about me. For me, no matter what people say or think about you, whats really matter is what you think about yourself. You can't control what other people say and think about you, but you can control yours. So, keep think positive things about your self, that will act as an amour when other people try to strike you with negative comments about your body.

Loving your self will boost your confidence level and of course your life will be much better in any aspect, such as relationship with your partner, friend and family, and also work. If you want people to love you, you need to love yourself first. When you love your self, people will feel your positive energy and they soon will be attracted to you. Final reminder for my self and anyone who read this blog, just be grateful and content, and be yourself! :-D

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